Supply Drops
Gear up with OP supply drops! Every tier adds a different category of items to the loot mix:
- Tier 1 includes high-end weapons, armor and money.
- Tier 2 adds rare collectible items like the Railgun and M4
- Tier 3 includes Cheat Codes like Backpack upgrades, Quick Sell, Black Markets slots and more!
- Every T3 drop guarantees at least 1 Cheat Code with a chance to get up to 3!
The exact rewards can be viewed ingame with /supplydrop menu or through this spreadsheet.
NOTE: Supply Drops spawn into the map, and the location is announced to the whole server, so any online player can potentially run away with the rewards.
Tier 1 Supply Drop (FREE!)
Tier 1 Supply Drop (x10)
12.00 USD
Tier 1 Supply Drop (x30)
30.00 USD
Tier 2 Supply Drop (x3)
10.00 USD
Tier 2 Supply Drop (x10)
25.00 USD
Tier 2 Supply Drop (x30)
60.00 USD
Tier 3 Supply Drop (x1)
12.00 USD
Tier 3 Supply Drop (x3)
30.00 USD
Tier 3 Supply Drop (x10)
90.00 USD